Doug Matzke Home Page

See my Deep Reality Book page.

See New Coherent Spaces Company page.

See my LinkedIn page.

See my Twitter page.

See my QuantumDoug Facebook Page here:

Upcoming talks by Quantum Doug

Recent Paper/talk Releases by Quantum Doug

(see Deep Reality Book and Source Science summary page)

*Oct 10, 2024: Doug Matzke -presents - How does source science support transpersonal experiences, such as walk-ins?
Conscious Awakening Network with Sheila Seppi

*Sept 25, 2024: Shifting Paradigms in Medicine, Show #70 The Quantum Mind with Doug Matzke PhD
Shifting Paradigms in Medicine on Bold Brave TV with MyQuantumHeal: Cecelia Cervantes, MD

*Tuesday Aug 13, 2024: Detailed quantum computational requirements to support the simulation hypothesis of the universe (PDF of slides)
Alternate Natural Philosophy Asscociation 2024 Annual Conference Talk by Doug Matzke

*July 20, 2024: NDE Experiences Explained by Hyper-Dimensional Bit-Physics and (PDF of slides)
International Association for Near Death Studies invited Seminar

*July 10, 2024: New Paradigm of the Mind Interview (see audio files)
Coast to Coast AM Radio Interview with George Noorey

*July 2, 2024: Valerie Varan & Quantum Engineer Dr. Doug Matzke: Chakra Entanglement Meditation
Quantum Psychology: Valerie Varan with Valerie Varan

*June 20, 2024: Matzke & Varan: Quantum Mind, Source Love, Auras, Orbs, Near-Death/Spiritual/Dream Realities (Part2)
Quantum Psychology: Valerie Varan with Valerie Varan

*June 20, 2024: Valerie Varan w Quantum Scientist Doug Matzke: Source of Quantum Mind, Quantum Reality & Spacetime (Part 1)
Quantum Psychology: Valerie Varan with Valerie Varan

*June 19, 2024: Quantum Mechanics And The Near Death Experience w/ Quantum Doug
IANDS - Int'l Assn. for Near-Death Studies - NDEs with Betty Guadagno

*May 25, 2024: Quantum Discoveries - Hyper-dimensional Bit-physics - The Secret to Everything?
Forbidden Knowledge News with Chris Mathieu

*Sept 9, 2023: Scientist explains where we go when we die.
Awakened Minds Podcast with Natalie Rustichelli and Jimi Wilson

*Aug 10, 2023: The Spacelike and Entanglement Legacy of Mike Manthey (See PDF of Slides and See All ANPA Talks)
ANPA 44 2023 Conference, Liverpool Aug

*Jun 10, 2023: Live Stream: Guest Quantum Doug | The Mind | A.I. | Sentience | Quantum Computing | Phi Balance with Phi Tribe.
1 hour Live Broadcast with Phi Tribe Ford and Mike

*May 5, 2023: Focus 35 with Brandon Thomas and Phi Tribe.
1.5 hour Discussion with Brandon Thomas of Expanding Reality Podcast and Phi Tribe Ford and Mike

*Mar 9, 2023: Ego Dissolution Interview with Mark Gober by Brandon Thomas.
1 hour Interview with Brandon Thomas of Expanding Reality Podcast

*Feb 5, 2023: Quantum Consciousness with Doug Matzke on Rogue Ways. (See Video of Interview, see Audio Podcast on Itunes and see Audio Podcast on Sound Cloud)
1 hour Interview by Lindsey Scharmyn from Roque Ways

*Feb 1, 2023: New Press Release for Coherent Spaces. (See New Heart WISH unit and Free Broadcast using our Logo)
Significant Coherent Spaces website content update!

*Dec 10, 2022: Bit-Physics: How to bootstrap the universe using topological bits. (See PDF of slides)
1.5 hour Invited lecture by Dr Melvin Vopson of Information Physics Institute

*Nov 17, 2022: The Hyperdimensional bit-physics Infrastructure beneath the Multiverse. (See PDF of slides)
2 hour Interview with Brandon Thomas of Expanding Reality Podcast

*July 13, 2022: The next engineering approach to Source Science Technology. (See YouTube of Talk and PDF of slides)
Presented live for Austin, TX IEEE CTS CTCN and LM July 13, 2022 meeting.

*May 17, 2022: Two hour Coast To Coast Interview about Deep Reality Book with George Noory.
Must be Coast to Coast member to access this talk.

*Mar 2, 2022: Announcing Coherent Spaces company and new Wavetech Space Harmonizer
New Coherent Spaces site is direct follow on to Deep Reality Book

*Feb 17, 2022: Post-Materialist Physics and the Search for a Deep Reality
Free YouTube Video link for my talk with Bernard Carr to Galileo Commission group about my book and hyper-dimensional spaces

*Sept 28, 2021: Second interview about my Book 'Deep Reality' with Alex Tsakiris on Skeptiko: Is AI evil?
Video of Interview with Alex Tsakiris on Skeptiko about Source Science and Deep Reality Book.

*Sept 10, 2021: Book Review of "Deep Reality" by David Lorimer, (See Link to Paradigm Explorer)
Book review of "Deep Reality" by David Lorimer in Paradigm Explorer No 136 | 2021 vol 2.

*Sept 1, 2021: Announcement: Transcendent States from the Deep Reality of Quantum Bit Physics, PDF of Slides and Direct Link to Video after Joining Scientific and Medical Network
Video of Interview with David Lorimer about Source Science and How does quantum information support transcendent states?

*Aug 17, 2021: Deep Reality: The Extraordinary Understanding Of Our Sacred Nature & Human Potential
Video of Interview with Guy Lawrence about Source Science and Deep Reality Book.

*July 11, 2021: Audio Interview and On YouTube
Interview with Greg Moffitt on about Source Science and Deep Reality. Contains links to interview Audio mp3 and on Youtube.

*Feb 16, 2021: Interview with Alex Tsakiris on Skeptiko about Source Science and Deep Reality
Contains links to Video, Audio and transcript of interview.

*Jan 19, 2021: "What's the Deep Reality beneath Quantum Computing?" (1.5 hour YouTube Video plus questions and answers and PDF of slides).
Presented at Austin IEEE Computer Society on Jan 19, 2021 via Zoom.

*Oct 8, 2020: "Deep Reality Book now on Amazon" Paperback and ebook are now available for purchase.
This book is now available on Amazon.

*Oct 1, 2020: "Deep Reality Book" Website is now online for Deep Reality Book.
This book is now available on Amazon.

*Sept 15, 2020: "Demonstration of GALG tool" (1 hour YouTube Video plus question and answers) and (PDF of slides).
Presented at the ANPA 41 annual conference via Zoom.

*Sept 2, 2020: "The Hyperdimensional Deep Reality of Real Intelligence" (1 hour YouTube Video plus question and answers) and (PDF of slides).
Presented at the ANPA 41 annual conference via Zoom.

*Aug 25, 2020: "The Source Science beneath Deep Reality" (1 hour YouTube Video plus question and answers) and (PDF of slides).
Presented at the ANPA 41 annual conference via Zoom.

*Dec 12, 2019: "A Fascinating Healing View from Quantum Physicist Dr. Doug Matzke AKA Quantum Doug" (YouTube Video of Interview).
Interview on "For The Love Of Healing" YouTube Channel.

*Jan 23, 2019: "Primer on Quantum Machine Learning and AI" Presented at Dallas-AI meetup at CoreLogic (PDF of Talk) and (watch for video here here soon)

*Oct 31, 2018: "A gentle and practical introduction to quantum computing" Presented at IEEE-CS meeting at UTD Campus (PDF of Talk) and (watch for video here here soon)

*Sept 24, 2016: "Source Science and the Hyperdimensional Nature of Reality" (Click here for YouTube Videos - 2 hrs) Presented at ZeOmega offices in Bangalore, India (Powerpoint and PDF of Slides)

*Issue 3 2015: "Awaken the Superpowers in you" (Click here for paper (pdf))
Article written by Dr. Doug Matzke published to the Science and Spirit magazine
*Science and Spirit Magazine Issue 3 2015 (Magazine is no longer online)

*Mar 8, 2013: The Higgs and the Pervasive Nature of Quantum Entanglement" Presented at IEEE Computer Society Meeting, Bldg EECS, Room 2.102 (TI Auditorium), UTD Campus (powerpoint and pdf of slides plus Click here for YouTube Video)

*Dec, 2012: TauQuernions Tx, Ty, Tz: 3+1 Dissipative Space out of Quantum Mechanics: self published to site in Dec, 2012. Continuation of the Geometric Algebra research from Ph.D. that shows how the Higgs Boson is contructed by combining 3 ebit states. Also includes dark matter representations and links to many more Geometric Algebra papers. Authors are Mike Manthey and Doug Matzke.

*Oct 4, 2014: PyTexas meeting in College Station: "Case Study: Using Git to manage UI derived configuration Elements" (PyTexas Video)

Talks for Science and Spirit Topics

(see Science and Spirit summary page)

*Nov 2, 2014: DFW IONS Monthly Meeting: "Discovering Your Psychic Superpowers" (powerpoint and pdf of slides)
Watch here Audio/Video for this talk presented at DFW IONS (see FaceBook Details or see Meetup Details)

*Apr 28, 2012: Abraham-Hicks Hot Seat session: Quantum Doug Hot Seat on YouTube ( Audio Only mp3 file) from the Law of Attraction Workshop on Sat Apr 28, 2012 in Dallas. Quantum Doug asks about Quantum, LOA and Vortex.

*June 3, 2012: DFW IONS Monthly Meeting: "Is Time Real?" on Sunday June 3, 2012 at 2:30 pm (at Center for Spiritual Living). Showing the movie Morgan Freeman's Through the Wormhole episode "Is Time Real? followed by discussion led by Quantum Doug.

*June 10, 2012: Dallas Law of Attraction and Beyond Monthly Meeting: "Law of Attraction... From getting started to the quantum mind" on Sunday June 10, 2012 at 2:00 pm (in Plano). Discussion about Law of Attraction and Quantum Mind, so bring your questions.

*June 21, 2012: Cafe Meta Physics monthly Meeting: "Time, Mind and Spirit" on Thursday June 21, 2012 at 7:30 pm (at Positive Touch). Another discusion about time where I present new research on time that expands our spiritual ability to extend our senses.

Talks for Science of Spiritual Beings of Light Lecture Series

(see Science of Spiritual Beings summary page)

See Facebook Event here or Presented at Unity Church of Dallas

*Oct 24, 2011: "Introduction to Science of Spiritual Beings of Light" (powerpoint and pdf of slides)

*Oct 31, 2011: "Science of the Law of Attraction" (powerpoint and pdf of slides)

*Nov 7, 2011: "Science of Thoughts, Beliefs, emotions and Subtle Energy" (powerpoint and pdf of slides)

*Nov 14, 2011: "Science of Living as Spiritual Beings of Light, now and in the future" (powerpoint and pdf of slides)
Slides presented at Science of Spiritual Beings of Light Lectures, Unity Church of Dallas, TX

Talks for Dallas IEEE Computer Society 2007 and 2011

(see IEEE summary page)

*Jan 21, 2011: "Update on Physical Scalability Sabotaging Performance Gains!"
           (slide show and pdf of slides plus 50 mins mp3 file) see Original 1997 Computer Magazine paper.

*Jan 19, 2007: "Is Quantum Computing a Solution for Semiconductor Scaling?" (slide show and pdf of slides)
Slides presented at Dallas IEEE Computer Society, Dallas, TX

Talks for CafeMetaPhysics and Law Of Attraction

(see CafeMetaPhysics summary page)

*Nov 17, 2011: "Proto-physics the link between Quantum Physics and Metaphysics" (powerpoint and pdf of slides plus Animations)

*Apr 12, 2011 in Austin, TX: "Thoughts are Quantum Things" (outline as pdf and 75 mins mp3 file of Lecture)

*Jan 20, 2011: "Science of Subtle Energy" (pdf of slides)

*Mar 9, 2010: "Quantum Thoughts" (pdf of slides)

*Jan 26, 2010: "Quantum Physics and MetaPhysics" (pdf of slides)
Slides presented at Cafe MetaPhysics Lectures, Dallas, TX

Talks for DFW TENG 2009 and 2010

*Aug 11, 2010: "Verbal and Non-verbal Messages during an Interview" (pdf of slides)

*June 3, 2009: "Communications Tips for C level Job Hunters" (pdf of slides)
Slides presented at DFW - Technology Executive Networking Group, Dallas, TX

Talk for MTBC - NanoTechnology Focus Group

*Nov 7, 2006: "Business Issues Regarding Future Computers" (slide show and pdf of slides)
Slides presented at Dallas MTBC - NanoTechnology Focus Group, Dallas, TX

Talk regarding Related Content Finder (RCF) Search Engine

*Oct 28, 2005: "Related Content Finder: A search engine that works!" (slide show and pdf of slides)
Slides presented at Dallas IEEE Computer Society, Dallas, TX

Talks presented at Dallas Mensa Conferences

(see Mensa Talks summary page)

*July 15, 2012: "We exist in a quantum matrix" Talk about the matrix Movies as metaphor for quantum simulation of the real world (audio is available upon request)

*Nov 28, 2008: "Premise: Humans are Biological Quantum Computers" (slide show and pdf slides)

*Nov 25, 2005: "The Shifting Paradigm of Quantum Computing" (slide show and pdf slides)
Slides presented at Annual Mensa Gatherings, Dallas, TX

Recent Papers regarding Quantum Computing and Quantum Ensembles

*April 30, 2004: "Correlithm Object Technology" (Hardcover and Paperback)
This Correlithm material is related to my boss's book "Correlithm Object Technology" by Nick P. Lawrence

*Mar 29, 2005: "Invariant Quantum Ensemble Metrics" (pdf paper and pdf slides)
Slides and paper presented at SPIE Defense and Security Symposium, Orlando, FL.

*Sept 29 2004: "Quantum Ensemble Computing" (pdf slides)
Slides presented at IEEE Metrocon, Arlington, TX.

*Mar 18, 2004: "What's new in Quantum Computation" (pdf slides)
Slides presented at IEEE Dallas Chapter, Dallas, TX.

*Mar 2003: "Math Over Mind and Matter" (pdf slides)
Slides presented at Quantum Mind II Conference in Tucson, AZ.

Presentations at ANPA24 in Cambridge, UK on Aug 15-20, 2002.

* Quantum Geometric Algebra (Slides and Paper)
* Probabilistic Geometry and Information Content (pdf paper and pdf slides)
* Chi Genererators Exist (Slides and Paper)

PhysComp92 and PhysComp94 Conferences

This site contains many papers regarding my interests on the limits of computation. These interests lead me to become chairman of the workshop on Physics and Computation, PhysComp 92 and again for PhysComp94. See PhysComp papers indexed at

There was also a PhysComp 81 and PhysComp 96 chaired by Tom Toffoli. Here are my papers.

* PhysComp92: Physics of Computational Abstraction
* PhysComp94: Impact of Locality and Dimensionality Limits on Architectural Trends
* PhysComp96: Information is Protophysical (pdf and slides)

UTDallas Electrical Engineering PhD

I graduated in May, 2002 with a PhD in "Quantum computing" at the
Electrical Engineering Dept at University of Texas at Dallas. See my dissertation
online entitled Quantum Computation using Geometric Algebra

Previous efforts on a PhD at SMU in Dallas in mid 1980's produced the following papers.

*1986 June 30: "A Model for Providing Computational Resources for the Human Abstraction Process" (2.1 MByte pdf of scanned paper)
*1985 Janurary: "A Review of Psychical Research at SRI and Princeton University" (1.2 MByte pdf of scanned paper)

Jung Society related Lectures

I lectured for the Jung Society of Dallas, on Friday/Saturday March 8/9, 2002. See my expanded abstract. Audio tapes will be available at some time.

Previously taught classes at SMU-in-Legacy on October 13, 1999. Course Description for The Age of Knowing

Limits of computer scaling Computer 1997

These interests also lead me to recently write a paper (see abstract and paper) on limits on computer architectures due to wire scaling.

Advanced Water Conference

In addition to these efforts, a colleague of mine needed help running a conference in Dallas called the Second Advanced Water Sciences Symposium in Dallas, Texas, held on Oct 4-6, 1996. (See Proceedings and tape Information). Here is paper that we presented.

* Advanced Water Sciences Symposium: The Reality of Imprinting Chi and Water.

Consciousness and Quantum Mind Conferences

These same limits of computing and interests in artificial intelligence has caused me to write papers on how computers and humans are different, espcially regarding mind and consciousness. The following papers were written by by me on this subject. Many of them were presented at the Tucson Consciousness conferences in 1994, 1996, and 1998. Also Quantum Mind I in 1999 and Quantum Mind II in 2003.

* Tucson I: Consciousness: A new computational paradigm.
* Tuscon II: Direct Conscious awareness of Chi: Case study.
* Tuscon III: Subjective "I" requires extension of information paradigm. ( Abstract #905, PDF, Foils)
* Tucson 2000: The Really Hard Problem of Meaning, abstract only
* Quantum Mind II-2003: Math Over Mind And Matter, slides only

ISSSEEM Conferences Papers

If you are looking here to find ISSSEEM on old web site then checkout new location at
Also written several other articles/papers for ISSSEEM.

* ISSSEEM Winter 2000 Bridges paper: Supercomputer Suggest Supermind
         (text from speech delivered below (see foils) that was then edited for journal)
* ISSSEEM 2000 Conference paper: Supercomputer Suggest Supermind (and foils).
* ISSSEEM 1999 Conference paper: Quantum Information Research Supports Consciousness as Information (and foils).
* ISSSEEM Bridges Article: Subtle Energies on the World Wide Web.
* ISSSEEM Web Resources: Web Resources that I helped compile.

Also written several other articles on the subject.

*Physics Today Sci-Fi Contest Entry: Quantum Gravity Theory Prediction is Cool Since Proven in Lab.
*Prodigy Article: Ancient understanding will usher in next information age.
*JNLRMI Vol. II Nr. 2 July 2003: The Mind in Time: a Round Table Discussion on Causality, Physics and Parapsychology

My hobbies include yoga, swimming and especially singing tenor with the Vocal Majority

Recently I earned Certification for NLP Practioner and am on the training staff at NLP Learning Systems in Addison, TX

I also help support Arasini Foundation's web site

This page can be reached via or

For more information.

See my QuantumDoug Facebook Page here:

Matzke Family Home Page
