Cafe Meta Physics lectures

Talks for CafeMetaPhysics and Law of Attraction

*June 21, 2012: Cafe Meta Physics monthly Meeting: "Time, Mind and Spirit" on Thursday June 21, 2012 at 7:30 pm (at Positive Touch). Another discusion about time where I present new research on time that expands our spiritual ability to extend our senses.

*June 10, 2012: Dallas Law of Attraction and Beyond Monthly Meeting: "Law of Attraction... From getting started to the quantum mind" on Sunday June 10, 2012 at 2:00 pm (in Plano). Discussion about Law of Attraction and Quantum Mind, so bring your questions.

*Nov 17, 2011: "Proto-physics the link between Quantum Physics and Metaphysics" (powerpoint and pdf of slides plus Animations)

*Apr 12, 2011 in Austin, TX: "Thoughts are Quantum Things" (outline as pdf and 75 mins mp3 file of Lecture)

*Jan 20, 2011: "Science of Subtle Energy" (powerpoint and pdf of slides)

*Mar 9, 2010: "Quantum Thoughts" (powerpoint and pdf of slides)

*Jan 26, 2010: "Quantum Physics and MetaPhysics" (powerpoint and pdf of slides)
Slides presented at Cafe MetaPhysics Lectures, Dallas, TX

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