Dallas/Fort Worth IEEE Computer Society lectures

Talks for Dallas/Fort Worth IEEE Societies

*Mar 8, 2013: The Higgs and the Pervasive Nature of Quantum Entanglement" Presented at IEEE Computer Society Meeting, Bldg EECS, Room 2.102 (TI Auditorium), UTD Campus (powerpoint and pdf of slides plus Click here for YouTube Video)

*Jan 21, 2011: "Update on Physical Scalability Sabotaging Performance Gains!"
           (slide show and pdf of slides plus 50 mins mp3 file) see Original 1997 Computer Magazine paper.

*Jan 19, 2007: "Is Quantum Computing a Solution for Semiconductor Scaling?" (slide show and pdf of slides)

*Oct 28, 2005: "Related Content Finder: A search engine that works!" (slide show and pdf of slides)

*Mar 18, 2004: "What's new in Quantum Computation" (pdf slides)
Slides presented at Dallas IEEE Computer Society, Dallas, TX

*Nov 7, 2006: "Business Issues Regarding Future Computers" (slide show and pdf of slides)
Slides presented at Dallas MTBC - NanoTechnology Focus Group, Dallas, TX

*Sept 29 2004: "Quantum Ensemble Computing" (pdf slides)
Slides presented at IEEE Metrocon, Arlington, TX.

For more information.

See all of Doug's papers at http://www.matzkefamily.net/doug or easy to remember http://www.QuantumDoug.com

Matzke Family Home Page http://www.matzkefamily.net
